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Rain Screen wall panel system has grown on popularity for many years. There are two popular rainscreen options available today: a Pressure Equalized rainscreen and a Back Ventilated Rain Screen. Now with many different system designs on the market place today differentiating the two, can sometimes be very difficult.

Gateway to the Air Force building entrance

Back Ventilated Rainscreen System

Back Ventilated Rainscreen Systems are very popular across the United States. It utilizes an outer cladding with an open joint, a wall cavity, a vapor barrier, and natural ventilation behind the cladding for controlling water infiltration. All Back Ventilated systems anticipate cavity moisture and need additional ventilation to expel moisture from the wall cavity. Allowing a space between the cladding and wall allows for ventilating of trapped moisture from inside the building. Just like any design, not all rainscreens are created equal. It is important to make sure your system is tested fully with AAMA 509, ASTM E283, ASTM E330, and ASTM E331 for long term protection of your building.


  • Low Maintenance
  • Let’s the wall breathe
  • Fast installation
  • No sealants or caulking
  • Better Energy performance

Upward look at large building with brown panels


Pressure Equalized Rainscreen System

Pressure Equalized Rainscreen System is a very design intensive product. They utilize compartmentalization to create a barrier against moisture. It is the best moisture management solution on the market today. By having an effective air barrier, air chamber, and rainscreen, you can better control wind driven rain. Much like back ventilated systems, not all pressure equalized systems are created equal. It is important to look at system testing and confirm that pressure equalization occurs in under .08 seconds. Important testing that all pressure equalized systems should have done is AAMA 508, ASTM E283, ASTM E330, and ASTM E331.


  • Best moisture management solution
  • Low Maintenance
  • Let’s the wall breathe
  • No sealants or caulking
  • Better Energy performance